The Government had earmarked Rs 3 crore for starting new sports divisions in the state on similar lines as that of Kannur Sports Division in Annual outlay plan. This year2020 , considering the financial crisis due to Covid-19 pandemic, the Directorate of Sports & Youth Affairs Proposes to start only one additional sports division in Government HSS Kunnamkulam, Trissur which is the Trissur Sports division .
Government HSS Kunnamkulam Trissur is in 24 acres of land there are 13 classrooms. The works of additional five class rooms are in final stages. Permission to construct six new class rooms was also granted. English medium in 8th and 9th standards were started recently. A grass turf ground with gallery and 400m track with drainage system, an indoor stadium with 12 big bath attatched rooms which could accomodate more than 84 students are also available.
The Directorate of Sports and Youth affairs has already spent Rs 5 crores in devoloping the natural grass turf ground and has exicuted other associated devolopment works at the school which includes improvements made tothe indoor stadium. Thisworks were recently inagurated by Hon'ble Chief ministeron 28th september 2020.
The AEO office which is presently vacant can be utalised for accomodation, which necessary required rennovation. The two medium size grounds for Badminton and Football shall be used for warmup matches. The muncipal indoor stadium nearby with wooden court shall be utalised for Basket ball competition. Morethan 5 acres of vacant land is available for sports infrastructure or other related devolopments including the construction of new hostel facilities.The two long halls in Indoor stadium shall be used as mess hall aswellas accomodation with the construction nearly over.
“Scientific Sports Training Through Systematic Approach “
Sports Division Trissur will rise to the challenge to develop staff and student-athletes to live as Champions of the Century instilled with the core values of:
Trissur Sports division in Central Kerala that will focus on providing scientific sports training through a systematic approach for students at grassrootlevel. Currently Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs operates and adminsters two institutions- Sports Division Kannur and GV Raja Sports school in Trivandrum. There is a need to have a third sports training instutions in central kerala in order to have three sports training institutions spread across the three regions of Kerala as per the Government of Kerala sports policy 2012. Hence, it is essential to establish Sports Division Trissur which will function as a centre of excellence in central kerala.
The Sports Division Trissur is a boys HSS with class ranging from 5th to 10th currently under General Education department (DPI) and also 11th and 12th in Vocational Higher Secondary scheme and higher secondary scheme. Hence there are two staff patterns. Here there are two division , one division in up section other is in high school section (30 students x 1 division x 2 classes = 60 students).